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Friday 13 February 2015

Player Watch At ICC World Cup 2015 - Eoin Morgan

He is very focused thoughtful, and concerned about the welfare of others, his ability to categorize and notice every detail means that the aura surrounding him is always of a concerned and resourceful responsibility not only for self but everyone around him.

He needs to balance responsibility of his own needs and to those off others. 

He is destined to make changes and bring about direct progress that benefits everyone around too.

Eoin’s greatest challenge is following his heart, he needs to understand that his needs and wants are just as important and as fascinating as those of others.

Eoin can enhance his luck by understanding that he needs to use his imagination which is the key that will unlock the door to his success.
He cannot accomplish anything without it being first pictured in his mind.

His Power Thought
“Whatever my mind can conceive it can achieve”

God Bless
Dolly Manghat

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